New Years Resolution

We always have this few "to-do list" to finish up, but only to find countless excuses to get our way out. With ubiquitous ones such as fatigue, lack of time, demotivated, and procrastination. Myriads of excuses will always be out in the open, trying to fend off the "to-do lists" as to disregard the need to execute it.

Needless to say, I am one of them too. 

But as we grew older, time became a valuable commodity to us. The valuation of time became directly proportional to the length of time we spend living on this planet. As the inclusion of full-time commitment takes place in the "to-do lists", it became something that can't be overlooked anymore. In others words, what used to be a choice now became a responsibility to us.

Slowly but gradually, we are bombarded with these commitment of "to-do list" - and only to know that we no longer have the essence of luxury to choose.

Thus, it then came to a point where we can legitimately say, "we don't have enough time". 

A few common examples would be working and spending time/taking care of your loved ones - family and spouse. I avoided the subject of "friends" as it is subjective to everyone.

Working in the corporate world signifies the very notion of us being considered as an adult. We used to be able to escape the bad sentiments of global market, dire inflation issues, hefty tax and bill payments. Our parents/guardian faced this while we continued to enjoy life and live in denial. Funding for education, entertainment, expensive goods and products are all given to us as we need them.

Being 21, I've reached the phase where I transitioned myself from a fresh graduate to a young working adult - being responsible for every single thing I do. Consequences are all reflected based on my actions and there is no one to blame. 

We hear people claiming to make a new year's resolution for the aim of being a better person, healthier and fitter, more hardworking and to save money. However, is it really essential for us to wait till the very next year to start doing the things that we want.  Why not now?

What is actually stopping you right now? 

Are you feeling sick or uncomfortable? If not, what is stopping you.

Are you doing something productive such as studying, doing house chores or exercising or just wasting your time away for entertainment such as playing game and watching television. If you aren't doing something productive, what's stopping you again?

Why the need to actually wait for the New Year's to start. That doesn't justify anything. And if such the thought were to be actually considered, it also means that the cycle is going repeat itself. 

So what's stopping you from doing the things that you want?

- Ben


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