Social Conditioning

We have been bombarded by the very thoughts of social conditioning since young. Blasphemy as it  may sound, nothing seems far-fetched from the truth - only to notice majority of people have succumbed to these "social-conditioning" - wanting to fulfill what is lacking from other people's perspective.

"A sociological process of training individuals in a society to act or respond in a manner generally approved by the society in general and peer groups within the society" - scottishlibertarians

As we constantly try not to judge others due to one's innate nature of self fear to be judged by others, we found ourself the inability to relate and get close with others. Thus, it constructs a fabricated reality prevalent of unrealistic expectation, hate, condemn, and ignorance - where in the long run, only will reinforce the state of mind making this a part and parcel of life. 

We are living in the bubble. Realization has yet to struck to many, despite much awareness. Factors such as media, studies, designer brands, personality adjustment contributed to the very existence of social conditioning. We are emotionally challenged when the results doesn't reflect the expectation envisioned by the majority. Likewise, what struck me the most wasn't the existence of such phenomena - but the actuality of how people is abiding by such rules set by the majority. They find the need to fulfill the social dogma defined by unreasonable community.

How much are we condemned by the society, when academic results do not reflect as brightly as others or close to what their perceived expectation?

How much are we condemned by the society when we are indifferent towards outer appearance comprising of designer products and physical appearance? When one chooses to oppose the norm, it elucidates the victim to be substandard and not qualified to be fitted in the false perception of the society.

How much are we condemned by the society when we tend to behave different to what majority would want us to become - be it career, passions and personalities.

Do we really need to adjust to such unrealistic perception? Do we really need to find ourself entangled between unreasonable belief and idealistic society?

Absolute not. 

Social conditioning is omnipresent. The human constructed world has bind us together to bandwagon in every way. However, we can always take it in another perspective. Likewise, is it wise to take a step back and reflect back the entire situation. We are not supposed to live the way people expect us to. We are born unique. Ideas and opinions is what determines you. Always remember that.

There will come the time when you have to stand up for yourself believing in what's right and what's wrong, even if there is no one to support you.

So, are you being yourself? 

- Ben


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